- Still missing:
- Reference to OpenAccess, as a way of disseminating:
1. Any paper presenting the project results should acknowledge the project
2. Any paper presenting the project results must be deposited at least by the time of publishment to a formal repository for scientific papers. You can check if your organization has a formal repository:
If not, you can upload in the European sponsored repository for scientific papers:
3. Authors should ensure that the publisher accepts open access via self-archiving in their departments repository (formal repository mentioned above) or Usually they do accept. If not, negotiate with them. If still not, do not publish via self-archiving.
4. Authors can choose to pay “author processing charges” to ensure open access publishing, but still they have to deposit the paper in a formal repository for scientific papers (step 2).
5. Authors should ensure open access via the repository to the bibliographic metadata that identify the deposited publication. More specifically, include the following:
o The terms “European Union (EU)” and “Horizon 2020”;
o “Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture-UMOBILE”, Grant agreement number 645124;
o Publication data, length of embargo period if applicable; and
o A persistent identifier.
6. Authors should ensure open access to the research data…
Suggestion: examine each case separately and either self-archive or pay for open access publishing. In each case, ensure that the final authors copy is accessible via a formal repository for scientific papers with the appropriate metadata etc.
- Reference to other EU project, to force collaboration: WILL include that to "external liaison overview", do you want to include other EU projects anyhow?
- Reference to GAIA
- Flyer (DUTH will prepare a flyer by the end of JULY-include that too)
- Press release template-a first template is available
- Dissemination beyond the project? for example keep the project website for at least 5 years after the end of the project
- include the ppt template for publications (with all logos and the EU text)?
DONE (February 2015 - July 2015)
- Project logo
- Website
- Social Media
- facebook fan page created- USE THE NEW COVER PAGE? SEEMS MUCH BETTER
- Early Conference participation
- “Future Internet Architectures Cluster/Network Technologies” (Brussels, 25/3/15)
- Early publication
- SCANDEX paper for MobiSys DIYNetworking 2015, submission to ICNRG and GAIARG
- DTN routing optimised by human routines: the HURRy protocol sumbission to WWIC2015
- Exploiting Communication Opportunities in Disrupted Network Environments sumbission to WWIC2015
- Events & workshop
- Submission to ICT2015 (October 22nd 2015, Lisbon) of an exhibition event proposal
- Flyer
- DUTH will prepare a flyer by the end of JULY
- Press release template
PLANNED (Agoust 2015 - January 2018)
- Project scenario video (DUTH has the budget for that)
- Factsheet
- Events (all partners)
- Dissemination of UMOBILE on COPELABS OpenDay event on June 18th
- We have budget for one event at the end of the project
- Conferences (all partners)
- ICT2015 (October 22nd 2015, Lisbon) - exhibition event (proposal)
- SCANDEX paper presentation in MobiSys DIYNetworking 2015
- Others? Check and update Dissemination_Events_Calendar
- Publications (academic partners)
- Coordination of lecturing and presentation material (academic partners)
- Social media (all partners)
- Post news on Facebook and Linkedin
- DUTH posts in Facebook: Space Internetorking Center (SPICE)
- Website (AFA collects and posts news notified by the consortium and stuff available for public download)
- Update with relevant news
- Press releases (all partners in national and international press)
- Open source distribution of relevant software