

W2L Deliverables

From UMOBILE Documentation

Revision as of 12:04, 20 July 2016 by Caruso (Talk | contribs)

Dateiname: Main.tex




% il seguente comando specifica una tabella a 2 colonne in cui la seconda ha il quadruplo della dimensione delle altre.

% il seguente comando specifica una tabella a 3 colonne in cui la seconda ha il quadruplo della dimensione delle altre.


% il seguente comando specifica una tabella in cui il testo è centrato verticalmete e le celle sono tutte della stessa dimensione specificata nell'intestazione della tabella stessa


    pdfauthor={UMOBILE consortium},
    pdfsubject={UMOBILE Deliverable},
    pdftitle={((PAGENAME)) - UMOBILE },
    pdfkeywords={((PAGENAME)), UMOBILE}

% page layout

\textcolor{blulogo}{Action full title:} \\ Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture  \\
 \textcolor{blulogo}{Action acronym: } \\
\textcolor{blulogo}{Deliverable:} \\ \centering{((PAGENAME))}


% to remove section numbering


% cambia il times new roman in arial




\noindent{  \textbf {\textcolor{blulogo}{Project Information:}}} \\ \\
 \textbf{Project Full Title}  & Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture \\
  \textbf{Project Acronym} & UMOBILE  \\
  \textbf{Grant agreement number} & 645124 \\
  \textbf{Call identifier} & H2020-ICT-2014-1 \\
  \textbf{Topic} & ICT-05-2014 Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures \\
  \textbf{Programme} & EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020 \\
  \textbf{Project Coordinator} & Prof. Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Democritus University of Thrace \\


\noindent{  \textbf {\textcolor{blulogo}{Deliverable Information:}}} \\ \\
 \textbf{Deliverable Number-Title}  & ((PAGENAME)) \\
  \textbf{WP Number} & ((WPNumber))  \\
  \textbf{WP Leader} & ((WPLeader)) \\
  \textbf{Task Leader(s)} & ((TaskLeader)) \\
  \textbf{Contributing Partners} & ((ContributingPartners)) \\
  \textbf{Authors} & ((Authors)) \\
  \textbf{Contact} & ((Contact)) \\
  \textbf{Due date} & ((DueDate)) \\
  \textbf{Actual date of submission} & ((SubmissionDate)) \\


\noindent{  \textbf {\textcolor{blulogo}{Dissemination level:}}} \\ \\
 \textbf{PU}  & Public  &((public)) \\
  \textbf{CO} & Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) & ((confidential))  \\
  \textbf{CI} &  Classified, as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC &((classified)) \\


%pagina vuota prima del primo capitolo (per avere i margini laterali giusti)



